Feeling tired and run-down? Need a boost of glow and radiance to your face? Thank goodness for makeup! It's amazing what the power of makeup can do in harnessing not only how you look but also how you feel. Your confidence is elevated and you feel ready and pumped up to face the world. I was sat at my dressing table feeling/looking a bit 'bla' so I knew what products to pop on my skin that wouldn't take long and were sure to make a real difference. Then I thought, why not film it and show you? Below is the video, also available to view on my instagram here.
It's a quick 5 minute makeup look that's super easy to do. I utilised some of my trusted favourite products, as well as some new additions to my kit. Bronzed skin always warms up the complexion and makes it look more 'healthy', concealer of course - I show you my three-pronged approach and then a berry stained lip injects some much needed colour to my pout. For fun I dotted on some faux freckles which enhances that youthful complexion and finished off the look perfectly.

Products mentioned:
@emmahardieskincare Primer/SPF30
@byterryofficial Hyaluronic Foundation
@chanel.beauty Les Beiges Eau de Tient
@vichyuki Colour corrector concealer ‘apricot’
@narsissist Soft matte complete concealer ‘vanilla’
@lameruk Concealer
@lauramercier Secret brightening powder no.1
@itcosmeticsuki Powder ‘Bye Bye Pores’ (using @shuuemurabrush no.27)
@ctilburymakeup Airbrush bronzer no.2 (using @tomfordbeauty brush)
@lottielondon Blusher ‘Serene’ (using @tomfordbeauty brush)
@byterryofficial Lipbalm ‘Baume de Rose’
@chanel.beauty Rouge Allure Ink Fusion ‘824 Berry’
@lottielondon Freckle tint