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Glamour Magazine - Flawless Skin
Creating a series of films for Glamour Magazine, this one focuses on promoting the glow and radiance to your complexion...
Brides Magazine & Wedding Club Show

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Collaborating with Brides Magazine and The Wedding Club, I keyed the makeup looks for this beautiful catwalk show at The Berkeley Hotel
Chris and Sara
Quintessentially Wedding Atelier
A fabulous showcase of all elements required for an exceptional wedding that I enjoyed being a part of...can you spot me..?!
Joshua and Kendra
We met and worked together at Brides Magazine, it was then Kendra's turn to be the blushing young lady herself...
Gary and Sophie
The Orangery at Settrington in Yorkshire played host to this romantic candlelit ceremony...
Glamour Magazine - Eyes: Day into Night
Taking your eye makeup from a daytime look into the evening with a few simple steps...
Rowland and Katie
A slightly drizzly day in Chester did nothing to dampen this beautiful couple's spirits...
Sam and Laura
Laughter and tears in abundance for this gorgeous couple on their beautiful day (pword: hedsor)
Glamour Magazine - Enhance your Eyes
Make your eyes pop with some of my brightening tricks...
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